What did you do today?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mk3golfcab, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    To rival the what did you do to your bike today thread I thought I’d ask what you did today??

    Today I machined brake and gear levers for some old yamahas :)
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  2. Selmer50mark

    Selmer50mark God Like

    Sep 6, 2016
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    A bit of concreting ;) 20200804_163115.jpg 20200805_163335.jpg
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  3. tuktuk

    tuktuk Elite Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Woke up 3am to sound of guttering overflowing onto ground outside like Niagara Falls.

    Dad dropped long ladders off before I headed to work.

    10 till 7 mixture of customers moaning and me sniggering at the 2 builders we have in putting up new offices etc as they bicker like an old couple non stop.

    Home, ladders out, look like an idiot trying to put them up without dropping them onto the parked cars. Figure out they are too short and it's all been a waste of time!

    Watching hoarding programme on ch5.

    New 44 teeth vid to watch when I hit the hay.

    Living the dream over here o_O
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  4. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    After work, my Daughter wee’d on my hand as I got her out the hot tub so i think I’m winning in the pissiest day over here :rolleyes::D:eek::D
    • Funny Funny x 5
  5. Krisjg

    Krisjg New Member

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Worked from home whilst watching the kids:(. Looked at bike in the garage periodically:D. Finished work made tea. Had beer and polished/waxed bike:). Off tomorrow so weather better be good in the am as i plan to get out for an early 1 before the adulting has to start again!!
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  6. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Made scrambled eggs and salmon breakfast for me and the log haired general, worked from home, went for a walk, had new boots delivered as I have worn the old ones out with my daily walks during lockdown, filled the paper shredder container 3 times and only stopped because it had overheated, cooked tea for me and the missus. So not a lot really.
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  7. Brom66

    Brom66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Had a little bimble to GT motorcycles for a spot of lunch, with the Mrs on the ZZR then across to Dartmoor for a ice cream then home, roads full of idiots and holiday makers who have no clue where they are going, or doing and obviously you norther feckers have given us cornish boys a bad name as had more wanker signals then Lozzy dungeon hurled at me as trying to filter in traffic. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  8. Krisjg

    Krisjg New Member

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Spent the morning out on the bike playing chips with my brother till lunchtime, then we popped by ma's for a brew on the way home. Cleaned the bike. Puts some ribs in the smoker. Now having a beer looking at a clean bike. Its just started to piss down with rain.
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  9. Nigel H

    Nigel H Active Member

    Jun 26, 2018
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    Today I discovered why a pressure gauge at the bottom of the tank won't make a good motorcycle fuel gauge.
    When you close the tank lid you close all those lovely seals they put on the cap.
    Hence the vapour pressure of petrol pushes the tank pressure up by about 50%
    Oh well it was fun trying.

    Perhaps a second sensor at the top might fix it...
    #9 Nigel H, Aug 23, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 3
  10. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Bought a Roman coin !

    Local market stalls set up on the sea front today, and among other things there was someone selling old coins.

    Always fancied the idea of finding an ancient coin - not likely to happen without actually looking for them - but someone has already done all that and put it in a little bag with all the information on it to save me the trouble ! Probably made last year in China and been taken for a mug :D

    But I like the idea of ancient coins being used by ordinary people all that time ago - somehow appeals to the imagination. Probably paid for bread, wine, ticket to the games and all kinds of skullduggery.

    Roman Denarius coin from Antoninus Pius about 138-161 AD (now worth £37 !)

    Roman coin (1 of 1).jpg
    #10 Mattie660, Aug 23, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
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  11. Wes

    Wes Active Member

    Dec 17, 2019
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    Fitted yet another set of indicators today(the 4th since Xmas). After persisting with led’s although everyone complained about the brightness, I finally gave in and installed 12v ones.
    You might of imagined that I would be adept at removing and reinstalling the fairing panels by now but I’m no better than my earlier goes. I just don’t enjoy it. The wiring mods aren’t an issue, it just those panels !
    And just to finish me off, after bringing the bike out of the garage to wash away my paw marks, I just randomly tried my latest attempt and low and be hold l/h rears not working duh !!
    I’m waiting for her to dry a bit before I push her back in the garage to investigate my issue. I honestly don’t think it will be one of my connections and I a quick visual didn’t show how to get at the lamp.....I’m sick to death of bloody indicators ! Beer n bike tonight for me.
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  12. Empty_Ten

    Empty_Ten Active Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Hoping to use the blade a few more times before the tax is out at the end of September.

    Function test of lights, Lubed the chain, checked oil, coolant levels and tyre pressures.

    After a few really close near misses recently, decided I have to go out with a camera again. If anyone uses one, I’d be happy to hear your suggestions. Just looking for one which is ready to use out the box, no wiring into bike or wiring a usb socket onto the bike etc.

    I’ve had 3 drift cameras now and they’ve all died in some way so I’m done with them.

    Thinking of a GoPro clone, my girlfriend has an Apeman camera from amazon with a chest mount.

    Seems to be a good setup, footage is decent but battery life would be right at the limit for my daily commute. But if anyone’s got a camera with 1080p, DVR mode (overwriting old footage when the card is full) and has a 1.5hr+ battery life - I’d be all ears!
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  13. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Spent the morning out on the road bike to scrub my new tyres in.
    Then fitted my Ohlins shock back on the track bike after the suspension had been serviced.


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  14. Empty_Ten

    Empty_Ten Active Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I got the GoPro clone that I was planning on getting and one of the big accessory packs thinking that I had to find some kind of setup.

    2hrs later I ended up using one little adaptor piece from the accessory pack and a handlebar mount from my MT10’s dash cam :rolleyes:.

    Got it all setup, tested the camera yesterday As I was taking the blade to work today.

    roll the bike out this morning etc, camera is dead FFS :rolleyes::mad:. Somehow died overnight. All that happened after testing was putting it on charge, then back into it’s waterproof case! That’s the trouble with the Chinese stuff, inconsistency. When it works it’s great (I’ve seen the footage from my GF’s one). Back to amazon it goes :(
    E05A9ED9-6449-4FF8-8B1F-5CCB704C9C86.jpeg 497C010B-1BC9-40FD-8C24-D01BD2BE1A59.jpeg

    Yeah, it’s not pretty! But it’s there to serve a purpose
  15. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    I’ve got a go pro 7? I think. Hardly ever use it. Used it on the bike twice and one time I forgot to turn it on :(
  16. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Started the task of redoing the garage. Put a load of shelves up and sorted out some junk. Got another day of it tomorrow. Sad thing is it used to be my space. And now like everything I’ve been demoted to outside almost!
  17. Empty_Ten

    Empty_Ten Active Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    The novelty wears off! I’d like to get some the Innov wired in dash cams but they’re not cheap...
  18. Empty_Ten

    Empty_Ten Active Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I did mine a while back, there’s not much in it but it was a complete mess because I had no organisation!

    I got some G Rack racking and spent a day tidying up. It’s so satisfying once it’s done, persevere!


    A few things out of shot and my Missus’s bike will be joining soon so it’s going to get cramped!
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  19. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Nearly done. All to move the bike to the front so I can get it out without moving a ton of crap out the way first!
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  20. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Definitely. That’s the route I want to go but as you say, not cheap! And I’m Tight!
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