That's gutting to hear Ken. It's good that you dropped in. Your presence is missed you know. Give my best to you and yourn, and good luck with the op.
Still working on it? Shit, sorry to hear that. Been riding through most of the winter, more errands than anything serious. Had a great ride out a couple of Sundays ago right across Dartmoor in virtually zero traffic. How's miss twiglet doing? Are you back at work yet?
Hey Ken Just a catch up to check you're still on the mend and Mrs Flatstick is still well. Cheers Ken
Hey Ken, it's Ken. Just checking in to see how the recovery is going, what you've heard since the accident and how Mrs 'Stick is doing. Cheers Ken
Hi mate, Dale has been intouch, as i said you may call. He hasn't heard anything from you yet mate...everything ok?/ Cheers, Si.
Did you get a battery for your macbook in the end mate? Iv just had a damaged 1 come in and classed as a write off so its going for recycling. Battery looks ok thou . Cant guarantee it is perfect but its yours if you want it
Alright mate? After a bit of advise on The Evotech spindle sliders you bought. Did you buy from Ebay or direct from Evotech? Did you get any discount for buying front and rear together? Cheers fella