
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Devil, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    :high5: ... come and get it ya feckers
  2. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Getting a fire arm certificate is quite straight forward assuming you don’t have a criminal record or history of mental illness (best hide your blade, or you might fail on the second point) but you do need to explain a just reason for needing one and state what kind of fire arm you want. I took advice from a local farmer but I guess it will also depend on where you live and the local plods view. We live out in the sticks and keep animals so it was a doddle, (need it for stopping Mr Fox dinning out on our chocks was my reasoning) fill the forms in, sit back and wait for the inspection when you will have to show our finest boys in blue that your proposed gun and ammo will be kept in approved cabinet etc. Job done.
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  3. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    So if I have a vermin control problem, there may be valid justification for my firearm


  4. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    If I dont get the rat soon (see my post, "Unexpected appointment") i might want to borrow that and blow the whole house away, rat and all.
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    With this SOB. 20 rounds. Tops.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Sorry to hear you have mindless scumbags trying to lift your pride n joy.As a shotgun owner it' s a fine line to cross with the gun, ammo and frustration if it were me.I love guns and I'm not a bad shot either,(soon be dead) will tell you that.Be careful in what you do cos if they are hurt they will get the law on their side and shaft you.MOVE THE BIKE is the best advice I can give.If you have the reg no's and can trace em give them the nod that you know where they're from.Good luck!
  7. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Cheers again guys, not had any activity since the last time but am still on my toes incase they return. My neighbour has had the unfortunate visit from the scumbag, he too has not fitted out the garden in fact he's done such a good job i think even if an ant raises its head its gonna trigger alarms, lights and knowing him probably a claymore of some kind!! Now there's an idea...!

    Anyways the Blade is still intact and not been tampered with so its looking ok for now but all that's in place can be and its staying. I have a gun licence and am also a pretty good shot, lucky enough to also live out in the countryside with alot of land around me so have quite abit of free play so to speak with regards the shooting allowances! Shall keep you posted guys, cheers again.
  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Hmmmmm, home made Claymore.

    I've got a PDF on how to do that somewhere...
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  9. Devil

    Devil Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Well chaps it looks as though they still fancy there chances only i can see that they found it much harder to get into the garden let alone leave with anything. So instead they burgled my neighbour and got away with a bit. Absolute low life fuck heads who honestly if you saw me and knew me then you'd know they really are taking a risk because im going to end the fuckers if i get hold of em!

    Im certain with what's in place they can't leave with anything its now just a matter of them being on my property and attempting to leave with items that's getting to me. They took a massive risk getting the items from their home as the whole family was in and they have two little ones too, just snuck in through the back door and grabbed a few valuables along with quite abit of cash, this all took place at around 16:45 in the afternoon too.

    So its time for abit of hunting and as one person knows on here that's a speciality of mine! :) Determined feckers though!!
  10. tandbiskits

    tandbiskits Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    If you ever get to catch them, p.m. me, i will give you a hand with the torture, sorry , i mean`t rehabilitation process. Seriously though, as i said before, amphetamines& a shotgun, f**kin scum.
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  11. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I have to say (iam no Morse) but this has all the hall marks of either scum just moved in the area or more likely Pikeys within a 10 mile radius. I have just completed a site in farnworth nr Bolton and the Gypo's were like Mackerel, the fuckers even nicked the live to operations cameras all 8ks worth while they were being filmes.
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  12. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    This is what you need Devil.[​IMG][/IMG]
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  13. browndog

    browndog Active Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Shotgun is the remedy to any thieving problem from the house, mate of mine got a scrap yard, he had the evilest horrible pit bull/ mastiff cross that wanted to kill everything it saw, the pikeys got in their & gave the dog the hiding of its life, totally smashed him to bits, but the dog did cause some injuries to the dirty B#####ds as there was a fair amount of blood around, & as far as I'm aware they haven't been back since, & the dog still wants to kill everything that moves, but that's why there a banned breed
  14. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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  15. Rickyrogue1

    Rickyrogue1 New Member

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Spit gun ( concrete nailer) and steel 4" nail uses real gunpowder , blast there knee caps and fingers off with cigar cutter , and if ur a country man , surely u have a shotgun licence. U were mistaken for a hare ;-)
    Smart water and a load of trip flares in the fields wichever way they run the flares will go off , Minidigger?? Dig a Pitt and cover with mesh chicken wire then grass , the fuckers will fall in and there all yours
    Last but not least get 2 big dogs and train to kill , job done , good luck ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376169014.996305.jpg
  16. Hudson

    Hudson Active Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    A tried and trusted method of crime reduction....... in the US of A.

    Take lessons from the case of that farmer called Martin.... he made a few crucial errors when he shot dead one of the scum and injured the second, his errors were as follows -

    1. The second scumbag lived, he was then able to be a witness.
    2. The shotgun he had was not legally held.... silly boy.
    3. He said he shot a warning into the roof of the farmhouse to scare them..... CSI found nothing.... silly boy, he should have made this shot after shooting them.
    4. He shot the dead one in the back... oh deary me this is a play school error, always in the front.

    He could have mitigated his position (if he had done all the above) by also attempting to give first aid... after first confirming they were both dead, this would look very good to the jury, like he gives a bollocks.

    The law is set, you simply have to know what the Police officers who land on your door are there for, they are not your friends and even though they may agree with what you did personally, their job dictates that certain procedures are followed and if you say or do anything then its in their pocket note book.

    The people who get away with crime are the ones who understand how the ' system ' works, even the dumb ones get away with it most of the time. So if it does go ' bad ' , ensure you are very well prepared when the boys in blue turn up..... and always have legal representation with you when you say anything substantial.

    Remember - Even if the Police know you did it... they have to prove it, don't be silly and give them that proof by saying something silly, when your cautioned you are told that '' you do not have to say anything '',.... simple, don't, not until your head is straight.
    #56 Hudson, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2013
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  17. RedBull

    RedBull Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    I'm a Royal Marine with 12 years under my belt. I'm currently one of the best marksman within the Corp and Navy both with rifle and pistol.....lol

    On a serious note. I would leave you bike with a friend for a few weeks; then set a trap to capture the fuckers. You can buy motion sensor webcams which will activate when they break in...or you could leave the door open a jar to tempt them in.

    My personal method would be to have some very handy friends lie in wait for them. Bait them in and close the door behind you.

    Not to sure on what type of burglar's they are? if they have been back 3 times now they could be a semi pro gang steeling to order. If they are then they would be doing recces on your house and area, to monitor your movements. Or it just could be very dumb opportunist's trying their luck - 3 times if a bit much. Luck will run out very soon I feel for them.

    Best of luck
  18. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    You do realise that this thread's from two years ago, right? :D
  19. coupe312

    coupe312 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    it is very true but remember a humain kill is not required for the people..... get yourself a mother F****ing crossbow..... they might live to learn a lesson that way
  20. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Nah, Kill is better!

    Maiming Scum, just leads to bitter resentment by them and thus they stir others/family/freinds in to retribution by their constant wingin' from the Wheelchair.
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