Insurance Optoins?

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by samuk, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. samuk

    samuk Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    I was about to tak eout insurance fo rmy bike and wanted to know if i should get these 2 options added?

    Motor legal protection
    Provides cover to claim compensation for uninsured losses in a non-fault accident. This includes personal injury, excess recovery and loss of earnings.

    Personal accident cover
    Provides cover in the event of serious injury or accidental death.

    As i am not sure, as if Motor Legal protection is only for claims for non fault - would any no win no fee solicitor not take care of recovery including any loss earnings?

    Any thoughts
  2. Selmer50mark

    Selmer50mark God Like

    Sep 6, 2016
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    It's a minefield, personally I don't bother with any of it :eek: before you know it you've bumped up the price . It's the way the doubt creeps in and you start thinking you need it o_O but don't go off what I say ;) I just go for the cheapest prices ;) just renewed today with Bennetts £94 comprehensive for a RR7 :)
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  3. Jez

    Jez Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I was hit one time by an uninsured joy rider, I thought luckily I had legal aid on my insurance, I rang them up and they told me to try to sue them through the courts. I said I thought you would do this for me they said we just give advise. Never had it since
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  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I never bother with it either, to me it is their version on PPI/Extended Warranty.
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  5. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    @T.C is the insurance guru...he's posted useful info on this before but Im not sure where it is....
  6. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Insurance? INSURANCE? Gggrrrrrrrrr :mad: Wash your mouth out with soap and water, how dare you insult me like that? :rolleyes:;)

    I work in legal and help sue the insurers on the riders behalf.

    In all serousness, things have changed a bit over the past couple of years and it is worth considering legal protection for reasons I shall explain

    Until a few years ago, if you had a legal expenses policy, the insurance company could dictate who handled your claim which usually meant their own in house corrupt bent legal firm unless you could prove that the solicitors you wanted to use had a specialty expertise, such as dealing with motorcycle claims.

    About 5 years ago, all that changed whrn it became illegal for insurers to insist that policy holders could only use their in house forms and so insurers were obliged to make it clear that if you have a legal expenses policy, then you as the claimant are entitled to use whoever you wish and the insurers must honour the terms of the policy and allow you to use a firm of your choice and continue to provide legal cover.

    Move on another couple of years, and the rules changed again when what is known as the success fee was removed from the bill that solicitors submit.

    In the past, solicitors could claim what was called a success fee according to the degree of difficulty that the case presented in injury cases.

    So in really difficult and protracted cases, a solicitor could claim double their fees which was called a 100% success fee.

    In simple or less difficult cases it may be as low as 10% or nothing at all. Regardless it in affect allowed law firms to claim extra for taking the risk on a case and maybe having to fund that case for several years for example in a catastrophic brain injury case whch would usually be around 100%. On this basis, a £200 an hour solicitors fee would double to £400 and the defendants could not contest this and the legal bill could be astronomic.

    The success fee was removed, but....... Law firms were/are allowed to retain up to 25% maximum of the compensation awarded as a replacement for the old success fee.

    This is where the legal expenses insurance works well.

    The up to 25% reduction (and it is negotiable) is only payable on no win no fee cases (conditional fee agreements). CFA's are still a brilliant and free way to fund a claim as you are not required to pay any money up front and if taken on, proves you have a good case as the law firm will have had to carry out a risk assessment in order to get the After the Event (ATE) insurance in place to protect you if it goes pear shaped.

    If you have LEI, this 25% success fee does not apply and you get to keep all your compensation.

    That said, cases settled under a CFA are often higher value than LEI settled cases, and even with the 25% reduction, the total settlement is often still greater than keeping 100% of your case handled under the LEI policy.

    So it all comes down to talking to any solicitor you want to handle your case and seeing what the best option is, but these days, Legal Expenses Insurance is an option worth considering.

    If you have personal accident cover and you are injured in a crash that is not your fault, just bear in mind that any payment you receive will be deducted from any compensation award and you will have to pay it back inthe same was as interim payments are deducted from the final payment, albeit the final figure will include any payments received prior to settlement.

    Hope that helps?

    Bloody insurance worker....... Huh...................:mad::D
    #6 T.C, Feb 10, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
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  7. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Lol....sorry Tony....hope you're not too upset as I'm afraid the trauma teddy is out with Nigel at the moment and may not be back for some time....;)
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  8. Abb

    Abb Active Member

    May 4, 2015
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    I have literally just insured mine a few hours ago. Was with Hastings Direct and despite not having any change in my circs, they have more than doubled my renewal price (last years premium £117.98 this year £238.87). Rang up and they re-quoted me at the same renewal price, needless to say I went shopping!

    This is the bizzare bit, best quote I got online was Bennets for just over £107! With the option of all the add ons (legal, leather & helmet cover, breakdown cover & personal accident cover) which in themselves were individually priced, but all together totalled £152.43 (in addition to the £107)

    When I selected some of the options reading the advice from TC above (legal & accident cover) it came out at £185.93, BUT when I selected the lot, the whole premium came to £145.16 :confused::confused:

    Needless to say I went with the final quote and am a very happy with it! An absolute minefield of utter madness of pricing.
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  9. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    That’s nothing Abb, got my renewal through today - last year £128 fully comp rising to £250 on the RR-B renewal price.... £1300 lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Abb

    Abb Active Member

    May 4, 2015
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  11. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Yeah that’s what I though, obviously I have my accident but can get fully comp with zero voluntary excess and a lower compulsory for £270 Bennett’s asked me why I wanted to cancel, and whether I was sure, I said are you serious? You’re £1000 dearer :rolleyes::eek:
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  12. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Cheapest quotes are 21 days before renewal date.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    I’m currently 22 days before, will look tomorrow. Anyone know any comparison sites you can declare mods? Can’t seem to find the box on the mainstream comparison sites (all who use the same forms too)
  14. Old_boy65

    Old_boy65 Active Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    I was stationary and a lorry hit me. Not wishing to give anyone a f’ in penny I was gutted when I realised legal costs weren’t covered i.e. costs were taken out of the sum rewarded. I now pay for legal cover because I’m f’d if I’m paying legal fees again... Btw annoyingly I didn’t take out legal cover because a friend could act for me. Somehow I managed to forget this gem of information among the 20+ calls within days of getting hit from every man and his dog wanting to represent me.
  15. CharlieR85

    CharlieR85 Elite Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The answer to 9 out of 10 insurance questions is....BeMoto :D. They are superb.
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  16. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    I don't bother with any of the add on's..... I try and look for a policy with breakdown recovery but that's about it!

    I was with Carole Nash last year but at renewal time in January I did an Mcn compare and Bennets cut my CN quote in half!!

    Needless to say I went with Bennets :)
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  17. Abb

    Abb Active Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Bennetts included a 16 popular mods as standard! Waiting for them to send me the docs once my policy kicks in, but was assured slip ons are included as are things like levers and footrests!
  18. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Just renewed mine. £94. Can't grumble.
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  19. mk3golfcab

    mk3golfcab Elite Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Bizarre, when I spoke to them in August they told me a tail tidy would be included but a slip on isn’t. Need to check what is covered lol
  20. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    What I find bizarre is declaring mods in the first place!:rolleyes:

    I've had a slip or slip on's and in one case a full Akrapovic titanium system and I've never declared them in my 20 years of riding and 10 different bikes..... Ever!! o_O

    The thought of declaring brake levers and footpegs just baffles me and would take the enjoyment out of modding my bike completely:cool:

    Ooh I've just put something on my bike..... I better tell the insurance company!! WTF??

    There is no benifit of declaring mods, its not going to lower your premium is it? Quite the opposite I would think...... I wouldn't know;)

    What I would say is.......if declaring mods is an attempt to be honest and tell them everything in the hope that they will pay out for all the damaged parts plus the bike should you be unlucky enough to have an accident...... Who is to say the loss adjuster who comes out to inspect the damage will have a clue what he's looking at, does he even know anything about bikes? Will one even come out to look at it? In the event of an accident and you manage to get the bike home, could you not just put it back to standard before the insurance company come out to inspect it??

    I just don't see the point...... Maybe it'll bite me on the arse one day but until that day I won't be declaring mods in the near future! ;)

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