Hi I have an imperfection on my carbon tank- it needs to go to a specialist such as yourself to give me a quote on whether a layer of lacquer would repair it and the approx cost Please contact me by pm on this forum. Thanks as you can see it's pretty minor but spoils the tank when seen on the bike. I don't think it's one of yours. I'm in London? P&P? Gary
Thanks Martin I'll try it in the morning it's pouring down at the moment. Ooh... But it's right on the side ridge so may be difficult to estimate. I got it without declared damage so it's a bit of a pain. It is minor but the rest is perfect and it spoils the aesthetic. Gary
If it's broken the lacquer last thing you want is to leave it too long as if moisture gets in the rest can go milky and start to flake etc
Gary it's not damaged., it had the worlds tiniest mark on the laquer which I didnt even notice before sending it to you.. I offered to give you 30 quid back numerous times but ive had minimal responses off you which of im honest turn to drivel..Youve been piping on about quotes etc for repair wtf.. Better buying new mate as opposed to buying second hand .it was sold as a used second hand tank cover mate. Maybe you Should buy brsndnew if you want a new one. Don't post saying un declared damage. Makes me sound a twat..thanks mate
Daz u did nt need to make this public - I've not accused u of dishonesty. It's was not declared and I accepted your word on it tho it is noticeable - I've not named u or done more than point out it has a flaw. I told u was contacting people to get it assessed- I posted this to Carbon as a seller as the responses I ve had over the holidays have been minimal - I did say I was trying to get it sorted to you. I did nt assume that people looked at sellers sites unless they were aiming to buy from them or needed a service. If I was going to complain more forcibly I would have. I have nt accepted yr offer simply because as u can see I've no idea what it will cost to put right. Hope that clears it up. As stated I'll get back to you when I can. The fact I have not hassled you should have made this obvious. I will contact you by pm - not my intention to cast aspersions on you. I ve said nothing untrue - fucks sake I only asked for a quote. Read what I wrote carefully. Gary
You'd be better off giving them a call as Steve at conquest is a busy guy and this isn't the only forum they cover
Amicably resolved between Daz and myself- maybe we had a bit of a crossed wire but it's all good - just to set the record straight for the forum. No biggie really. Thanks Daz.
The guy was good enough to call back , said minor repairs are not really their thing, but said he would ask a mate to contact me if he felt he felt he was able to help. Not heard anything from his mate yet, but cheers- appreciate the lead sps. Best Gary