Agree with @bazzashadow, if plod start doing that my phone, gps etc will never leave the house whilst I am on the bike or in a car. As it is I don't use a camera when out on the bike, and the dashcam camera hasn't been fitted to the car for quite some time now.
I do wind my neighbour up about his dash cam saying “I don’t know why you have that, your just incriminating yourself( he does get road rage)
This signal blocking bag thing hasn't arrived from Amazon yet, but I have high hopes for it. Just put the phone in the little bag, and then put it in the inside jacket pocket. That way if you need to use it - you have it, but can hide it away again inside the bag and it will not be able to transmit any data ! Fantastic idea, if it works. Not sure how bulky it is - but what a great idea. Google is probably listening to me now - but not for much longer it wont c'ause it will be going in a bag - smart phone not so smart now !
We were looking at this at work and - nice cat picture and is the Puddy Cat actually wearing a tin foil hat ? The cat lovers liked the cat picture very much
with a shield bag, you will not send nor receive and signal. So you couldn't use your device. It will be a good few years before "1984" is finally fully operational and we are spied upon by the police, government and the criminals. Hopefully not in my remaining lifetime! You know all those free wifi you can use out & about, are used to track your movements. If you watch "minority report" you see how it is all materializing. Best privacy you can get is like bin ladden to live in a deep cave in the mountains
It may be overt suspicion, but that cat may not actually be wearing a tin foil hat..however, this one, most definitely, is.
Yes, I get that it cannot be used whilst the phone is in the bag - but surely it will work when it is taken out ! It will be like some kind of Ninja electronic cloaking device whereby you can just disappear off grid - puff - gone and then appear again somewhere miles away - then gone again - and all for £7.99
So you go off grid at time x at location a and reappear at time y at location b. So they can calculate average speed and check ANPR to see your likely route
I told you so - as reported here in The SUN no less - they are watching you and passing on your details to others - which we all know is against the law - but hey ! According to them it is more about finding cars to be repossessed - but that is just likely corporate bull crap.
Whilst not wanting to trigger any tinfoil purchasing there are lots of new cars where you can't remove remote access from previous owner. Car manufacturers jumped on the techy bandwagon and missed the stops for security and upgradabillity.